Busy Month of Recognition
This week is aptly named Public Service Recognition Week. It also holds National Teacher Appreciation Week, National Nurses Week, and National Correctional Officers Week. Later in May, we’ll celebrate National EMS Week (19th).
May also hosts many public service recognition days, such as National Firefighters Day (4th), Military Appreciation Day (10th), National Third Shift Workers Day (13th), Peace Officers Memorial Day (15th), Armed Forces Day (18th), National Rescue Dog Day (20th), and National Maritime Day (22nd). Last, but certainly not least, May is home to Memorial Day, when we celebrate and remember all those military men and women who died serving our country.
As we plug our way through a month filled with recognition of public service, let’s consider what makes a person choose to serve.
A Servant’s Heart
Service doesn’t come lightly in most cases. We love recognizing those who serve, but often public service is a thankless job. So what makes a person want to do the ugly yet necessary tasks of helping others, putting themselves in harm’s way, or diving into dangerous or difficult jobs?
Quite often, there’s inspiration that leads a person’s heart to serve. It might have been a role model; many first responders come from first responder families. It might have been an experience. Sometimes one encounter with a teacher, nurse, or police officer can inspire a person to pursue a particular career. It might even have been an ingrained desire to serve with little to no particular origin. Sometimes a person simply has a servant’s heart.
Whatever the spark that led a person down the road of public service, it takes a certain type to want to serve in areas that pose risk or offer little to no support or thanks. That drive leads one through schooling, training, and dedicated hard work to be the best possible at a particular job. That person sees a need, has a desire to fill that need, and finds no rest until that need is met. It’s simply a desire to help.
The Need for Public Servants
Society certainly needs help. We need safety, education, healthcare, resources, and sometimes rescues. We need someone to watch over us and be there when things go sideways. We need support for our families and assistance for our elderly.
Society needs those willing to serve, willing to give up their own time and share their talents. We need willing hearts in order to make things go smoothly. We need selflessness in order to keep our next generation safe, fed, and raised up for years to come. Our society has people who need more help than others, and some with no one around to advocate for them.
Someone has to build the schools, direct traffic, put out fires, manage utilities, and help the sick and injured. Without these jobs filled, the gap will grow. When all those needs are met, society moves about more freely. Things go well, but people also may take for granted all the work going into public service.
Recognizing Our Public Servants
We want to take this time to thank our public servants. We know you work hard to fulfill a mission of service. You have a desire to make things better and you work hard to achieve that one case or call at a time. Your dedication does not need to go unnoticed. We see you. We thank you.
And while we’re recognizing thankless jobs of those who put their all into their work, we would be remiss to not acknowledge one more May celebration: Mother’s Day. So here’s a special thank you to all the mothers out there raising the next generation and to those who’ve raised today’s heroes too.