Can’t We All Just Get Along: Police & Fire Prank War

July 30th is International Friendship Day according to the UN as of 2011. So, here in first responder world, can’t we all just get along?

Apparently not police and firefighters, at least not all the time. Many community departments love to have prank wars. It’s been a while since we shared some fun memes, so here goes.

Police vs. Fire: The Rivalry & Prank War

We know police and fire have had a healthy rivalry going for, well, a long time. What is it about those two divisions that causes them to pick and tease at each other?

Police take batteries from the remote while firefighters are on a call. See the full video here.

It could be because they’re often located close to one another.

Perhaps it’s because they often work the same scenes.

Either way, they can bicker like siblings and pull some pretty amusing pranks in their prank war too.

Watch the slow-mo video here.

They even like to boast that one is better than the other, and everyone has an opinion.

Either way, they do seem to have fun teasing each other in their prank war.

Forsyth County police and fire share fun rivalry. Firefighter send empty donut boxes while police joke about towing fire truck.
Jeffersonville Fire started a prank war with their police.

And they really do have each others’ backs… right?

Boys in blue call for rescue in Kansas City, MO. This was pure gold and better than any prank war yet.

Whatever caused the healthy rivalry, one thing they love more than their departments is their community.

Do you know any fun prank wars or rivalry stories? Share them with us on Facebook or Instagram. Stay safe out there folks.