FRC Blog

Do You Need a Life Coach?

As we move about in our lives from one obstacle to another, we often tell the same lie to our friends, family, and even ourselves: I’m fine. It may be an avoidance to get into a bigger conversation or maybe we don’t want to talk about personal matters with the person in front of us, but chances are we’re simply avoiding the truth: we’re not fine. We’re worried, we’re stressed, we’re confused, maybe we’re downright scared. Here’s something to consider: It’s okay to not be okay and it’s okay to ask for help.

Do You Need a Life Coach? Read More »

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The Value of Vulnerability

When’s the last time you’ve been scared. Like truly afraid. A colleague of mine’s daughter was just diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, at 22 years old; is that fear? I heard a story today at church about a police deputy pulling his gun and shooting; is that fear? Adjusting to a fixed income that comes once a month instead of weekly, then needing to put tires on the car, fix a broken furnace, and repair a snowblower within the same month; is that fear? What does fear look like for you? Is it sharing a diagnosis of PMDD? Or maybe anxiety or depression? Is it failing at something you’ve been working toward?

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