BLC Coach Certification Course

About Course
During the weekly training we will be covering some of the following topics:
- Intro to Coaching
- What is and is not Life Coaching?
- Various Models of coaching conversations including, The Hourglass Model, The Co-Active Model and The GROW Model,
- How to view your clients.
- Attributes of a coach.
- The Coaching Power Triangle.
- Types of coaching.
- We will be covering several various coaching processes and techniques like brainstorming, visualization, guided imagery, metaphors etc.
- We will review various assessments, wheels, values clarification etc.
- We will review the similarities and differences between coaching, counseling, mentoring, teaching, and consulting.
- Discussion of how the brain works in coaching.
- Covering the Johari Window and how assessments like DiSC fit into this model
- Cover the various coaching skills like Listening, Observing, Encouraging, and Asking Powerful Questions.
- We will cover the various levels of listening.
- We will discuss the role of encouragement in coaching.
You will also be learning how to coach productive conflict which will include:
- Conflict Intelligence Self-Assessment
- Conflict Management Coaching Readiness Index
- Conflict Resilience Quotient Assessment
- Discovering the Path of Conflict
- Coaching Constructive conflict resolutions such as:
- Perspective taking
- Reaching out
- Forgiveness
- Generating Options
- Expressing Emotions constructively
- The Listening Cycle
- The Results Cycle for Conflict
- Learning to develop I Statements
Your kit will include 100’s of sample coaching questions from various resources. You will also be receiving several tools that
you will be able to use with your clients.
You will be taking a personal DiSC assessment from Wiley Everything Disc which is the premier DiSC Assessment solution on the market.
This DiSC Workplace profile includes a personalized assessment as well as access to the Everything DiSC Catalyst website for both you
and your coaching clients which includes several training materials. Your kit will also include a variety of sample assessments to show
your clients. You will be taking a Productive Conflict assessment from Wiley Everything DiSC. This will not only help you to understand
your behaviors around Conflict but will help you coach others through theirs as they work on improving their relationships.
As a certified BLC coach you will also be able to provide your clients with various assessments at a special BLC coach rate.
Below is the list of assessments that you will have access to:
1. Everything DiSC Agile EQ profile
2. Catalyst: Everything DiSC Workplace
3. Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders
4. Everything DiSC 8 Dimensions of Leadership Book Map
5. Everything DiSC Workplace & Agile EQ
6. Everything DiSC Comparison Report
7. Everything DiSC Management Profile
8. Everything DiSC Productive Conflict
9. Everything DiSC Sales Profile
10. Everything DiSC Team View
11. Everything DiSC Work of Leaders
12. Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Facilitator Report
13. Everything DiSC Work of Leaders Group Report
14. Everything DiSC Workplace Profile
15. Five Behaviors Personal Development Profile
16. Five Behaviors Team Profile (All Types)
17. Five Behaviors Team Profile (Everything DiSC)
18. Personal Listening Report
19. Time Mastery Report