Q&A with the FRC Team: Meghan Albanese, Director of Coaching

We’ve been connecting and building for a while and things are starting to get big, Bigger, HUGE! We’d better start introducing ourselves! We are First Responder Coaching, first responders and family members who understand the job, the stress, the challenges, and the heartaches of first responder life. You probably knew that, but did you know who’s behind this whole endeavor? We’re going to throw a bio out every couple days to introduce the admin team. Everyone’s important to making this ship sail, so let’s continue introducing our leadership team.

Today, we’ll highlight:

Meghan Albanese

What’s your role here at FRC?

I am the Director of Coaching and also taking on clients as a coach.

What’s your connection to first responder life?

I grew up in a first responder family. My dad is a federal agent and a 9/11 first responder. I’ve seen how first responder trauma affects marriages and also family life. I am now married to a police officer, and we have three absolutely gorgeous children!!!

What’s your experience with coaching?

I have done trauma therapy before becoming a coach. I always loved the approach of forward movement and empowering the individual to bring about change for themselves. I have been coaching with FRC since the beginning when we were Blueline Coaching.

How did your journey bring you to FRC?

My husband’s department had a traumatic event, and I was searching for resources for a bunch of wives that had connected from the event. I met Jen through national police wives. Jen and I immediately hit it off and she soon asked me to take her coach training. I started training and taking on clients. I loved her vision and was excited to come on this journey and reach our first responders.

What are hopes and aspirations as an FRC team member?

My hope is to continue to grow and see how we can continue to touch lives all over the country.