Coaching Through Recovery: Beating Addiction

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Not all recovery stories involve drastic intervention, just as not all life coaching is for attaining higher achievements. Sometimes beating addiction happens in everyday life and personal achievements are simply getting to work on time or not drinking.

Truth is, life coaching is not just a tool for greater things; it’s a tool for a better you. And you don’t have to be some amazing rock star to the world. You just need to be a you that you’re happy with.

Let’s unpack some ways life coaching can help with beating addiction and becoming the best version of yourself.

Not All Addictions Look the Same

Not all addictions are about alcohol. Some are about drugs, gambling, gaming, adult content, and more. And that’s just some topics. Addictions can be obvious where a person is obsessive and everyone’s aware of it. But some addictions are hidden. The addicted person may be so subtle that even a close friend isn’t aware.

The decision to stop an addiction starts with recognizing that it exists. It’s a choice to change. No one can make that choice except you.

Don’t misunderstand: just because you’re still addicted doesn’t mean you haven’t chosen not to be. It’s not that simple. It’s simply that the road to recovery starts with a person acknowledging there is an addiction and deciding to do something about it.

Some roads are long and arduous. Some are short. In recovery, some roads involve intervention and living away from home. And sometimes it’s just about making different decisions in everyday living.

Life Coaching that Works for You

Just as not all addictions look the same, not all life coaching looks the same.

Life coaching is beneficial for all goals, including beating addiction. The big difference in life coaching versus intervention programs—which are amazing and necessary for many situations—is that you’re the driver. You decide how you want to change, how you’re going to do it, your timeline for each step, and your coach keeps you accountable.

What’s more, your coach will challenge you to be sure you’re still on track with your goal of beating addiction. Together, you’ll find solutions that work with your life. Each step of the way, your coach reviews your goal, your why, and helps you adjust your tools for maximum success.

Tools for Beating Addiction

Your tools are key for beating addiction. It’s not just about having the perfect plan—because, there really isn’t one—it’s about pivoting as you journey to a better you.

While everyone’s road looks different, many of the same tools are used.

End Goal Image

Your coach will ask, “What does life look like once you’ve achieved your goal?”

This question can be asked of everyone, but everyone’s answer is different. Maybe you’re hoping to hold a stable job, or you just want to spend the night with family. You could be hoping for a new career or looking to visit a loved one you haven’t spoken to in years.

Whatever your end goal image, hold that in your mind as you journey on this road. This is the hope that drives you forward.


Whether you’re going to school, working up the career ladder, trying to attain financial freedom, or beating addiction, support is crucial.

Every journey is better fortified with support. Your coach is there to support you. But your coach will challenge you to find additional support. You might find it in a social media group, from coworkers, friends, neighbors, or family. It’s ultimately your choice.

Your support not only holds you accountable and cheers you on, but that support helps you focus. There’s a goal and you’re aiming for it. You can do this and someone believes in you.


It’s not likely a straight path when beating addiction. If it were, the road would be much easier.

Instead, you need a roadmap. If you veer left, you might take a different path to continue forward. If you hit a roadblock and need to go backwards, you might find a new modality to continue on.

Relapse happens, but it doesn’t have to be the end. You can start again wherever you are, knowing that you moved forward before and you can do it again.

Life isn’t a straight path. To reach a goal, you need the ability to pivot and continue. Obstacles happen, especially in recovery, so have plans in place to assure they won’t be your ending points. Have a roadmap which can move and shift as you journey on this road.

Small Wins Celebrations

Everyone working towards beating addiction needs small wins celebrations. The road can be difficult and discouraging, so it’s vital to keep positivity going.

Didn’t drink last night? Go for a walk and enjoy the fresh air to celebrate how good you feel.

Cut your smoking in half last week? Go to your favorite lunch spot with a friend to celebrate.

If you beat your addiction even a little bit, find a healthy way to celebrate those small wins to encourage yourself to continue on your path.

Day One Now

Wherever you are in your story—whether it’s about addiction or any other goals—day one is now. Honestly, many roads to beating addiction are winding and take time. Some have more than one Day One, but ultimately it’s a decision you make every day.

Yes, I want to beat my addiction.

If you’re there and you don’t know which way to go next, you can reach out to us at FRC. If you feel you need more intervention or assistance, check out some of these great resources below.

Many of these resources treat PTSI and have equine therapy, coaching, counseling, EMDR, or other helpful support tools. Most also accept insurance or have financial options that fit your situation. There’s more out there too! Find the resource and recovery plan that best suits your needs and work towards a better you today.