We’ve been connecting and building for a while and things are starting to get big, Bigger, HUGE! We’d better start introducing ourselves! We are First Responder Coaching, first responders and family members who understand the job, the stress, the challenges, and the heartaches of first responder life. You probably knew that, but did you know who’s behind this whole endeavor? We’re going to throw a bio out every couple days to introduce the admin team. Everyone’s important to making this ship sail, so let’s continue introducing our leadership team.
Today, we’ll highlight:
What’s your role here at FRC?
Director of Business Development and Certified Life Coach
What’s your connection to first responder life?
4th generation firefighter, 22 years as a paramedic, and 17 years in fire service
What’s your experience with coaching?
My wife was a coaching client for The Life Coach School. Listening to her “live coaching calls” opened my eyes to the power of coaching. I immediately recognized the power that coaching could bring to first responders and their families. I was attending a course at work we call our Leadership Institute. During that course, they discussed the power of your “why.” I decided that my “why” for becoming a coach was that they deserve the tools necessary to be their best at home and on the job – and coaching is the best way to affect that change.
How did your journey bring you to FRC?
By accident! I was an independent first responder life coach trying to help first responders lose weight using the concepts of coaching. I was posting my flyer on every group that had “first responder” in the title on Facebook. Right after I posted on a site, I got a message back from the CEO saying, “We need to talk.” I thought, Great, I have been a life coach for 3 months and I am already getting in trouble! I reached out to Jen and she said, “I don’t want to sue you, I want to hire you!” Even since then, we have been pushing in the same direction to bring the gift of coaching to our amazing first responders across the nation. It is an honor to work with the amazing team at First Responder Coaching!
What are your hopes and aspirations as an FRC team member?
I hope to create the opportunity for every first responder in the country to have knowledge of and access to our amazing coaches. The team we have assembled can do that!