Q&A with the FRC Team: Paul Hackett, Lead Coach Trainer

We’ve been connecting and building for a while and things are starting to get big, Bigger, HUGE! We’d better start introducing ourselves! We are First Responder Coaching, first responders and family members who understand the job, the stress, the challenges, and the heartaches of first responder life. You probably knew that, but did you know who’s behind this whole endeavor? We’re going to throw a bio out every couple days to introduce the admin team. Everyone’s important to making this ship sail, so let’s continue introducing our leadership team.

Today, we’ll highlight:

Paul Hackett

What’s your role here at FRC?

I am the Lead Coach Trainer. I work with the other great trainers to help people learn how to change lives through coaching.

What’s your connection to first responder life?

I was formerly an EMT and have family members who serve in various FRC Roles. 

What’s your experience with coaching?

I have always enjoyed helping others move forward. I would become an “expert” in an area and then teach others the best practices and how to use them. I was working with a church doing some leadership training and helping them get their finances in order. The Pastor’s wife mentioned that I would really enjoy coaching. Their district had a class back in 2011 that I took. It was all very strange to me that you could help people more by asking then by telling. But I saw the results that the trainer, Sam Farina, was able to get with people in just a 30-minute session. I became hooked.

Over the course of the next couple of years, I took as many courses as I could and became a certified coach with AG Coaching. I wanted to continue to develop my skills even more so I could help people in a deeper way, so I continued my education and learning by getting my ICF certification with Erickson International Coaching.

As I continued to coach people, I found that assessments were such an important part of the process. I then began to receive training through a great coach who also became my mentor, Sam Farina, who was able to help me to obtain certifications in various DiSC assessments through EverythingDiSC and Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team. I have found these to be such a valuable resource in helping people create awareness around who they are. Most recently, I received my Appreciative Living Certified Coach certificate which is already helping people make positive changes in their lives.

How did your journey bring you to FRC?

After I learned to coach, I wanted to help others learn this great skill. So, I facilitated several courses over the years that lasted anywhere from a couple of days to a few weeks. I found that the participants got a lot out of it while the class was running, but didn’t keep practicing so they ‘lost’ the skill. Back in 2018, I wanted to take people through a much more intensive coach training course for those who really want to put in the time and commitment that it took to learn coaching.

From this desire, I put together a course that would take over 30 weeks to go through. Then I began to look for those people that would commit to this. One of these people happened to be Jen Anderson. As we went through the course, she just took to it. At the end, she just knew that she wanted to pursue this.

When Jen started FRC, she asked me to put together a coach training course for First Responders and hence we began our journey.

What are hopes and aspirations as an FRC team member?

We know that first responders experience many stressors in life. While not everyone reacts the same way, many discover a need to find ways to move forward. Our goal is to train people to become an FRC Certified Life Coach to help others to move forward with their goals in the way that works best for them. We want to provide the best quality training so that those people we coach can maximize their performance both on and off the job by growing themselves in the areas of life that are important to them so they can better serve others.